The identification and quantization of organic compounds in wastewater and solid waste samples are central to the characterization of many environmental problems. No chemical analyses are more demanding in complexity and rigor. We are proud of our Organics Facility and its staff.
This department is equipped with extensive gas chromatography (GC) instrumentation which utilizes a wide variety of detectors and gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (MS) capabilities. Our personnel are qualified to run all the EPA organics analysis methods requested for volatile and semi-volatile organics, and hydrocarbons. We are State Certified for the following EPA, SM, and SW-846 GC/MS methods: 624.1, 625.1, 6200B, 8260D/5035 and 8270E.
Our GC certifications include EPA methods: 602 and analysis of gas and diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) from both soil and water samples.
We are State Certified to perform other EPA methods including the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) as well as MADEP EPH & VPH analysis for UST work.
Perhaps you need an analysis for organic compounds that are used in an industrial process, but are not on the lists of environmental pollutants? Instrumentation in the Organics Department allows our staff to devise and perform custom analyses for many process chemicals.
In addition to performing organic analyses of wastewater and monitoring well samples, our Organics Department coordinates the laboratory processing of solid waste samples submitted for TCLP testing. In conjunction with measuring the standard TCLP parameters such as organics and metals in these samples, we can also measure their Corrosivity, Flammability, and Cyanide and Sulfide Reactivity.