Meritech has been providing quality testing and superior customer service since 1985.

Bioassays of environmental samples are of primary importance to regulatory authorities.
Our 1,200 square foot bioassay facility contains water re-cycling systems and regulated incubators under photoperiod and temperature controls.

Metals are significant, regulated pollutants.
We have added a cutting-edge PerkinElmer Nexion 1000 (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer) with reaction cell, capable of measuring concentrations at part-per-billion (ppb)/part-per-trillion (ppt) (EPA 200.8).

No chemical analyses are more demanding in complexity and rigor than organics.
Our personnel are qualified to run all the EPA organics analysis methods requested for volatile and semi-volatile organics, and hydrocarbons. We are State Certified for the following EPA, SM, and SW-846 GC/MS methods: 624.1, 625.1, 6200B, 8260D/5035 and 8270E.

We are able to customize testing for individual needs per client request.
The various analysis included in general chemistry, such as Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Ammonia, Nitrogen, and Fecal Coliform remain as key items in most wastewater discharge permits.

Our services also include our fleet of vehicles that offer convenient pickup & delivery routes to any location in our area.
Meritech’s field services division consists of dedicated and experienced field technicians armed with the latest equipment to ensure your on-site sampling and analysis are done accurately and dependably.
Meritech’s mission is for every client to be provided with accurate analytical data in a timely manner. More than 38 years of laboratory testing have given us the insight and aptitude to meet this goal; by utilizing the latest analytical techniques and our dedicated personnel, we are committed to meeting the needs of each and every client.
All of our employees at Meritech, Inc. are committed to supplying the highest quality test results to our customers. We follow approved Standard and EPA test methods and rigorous Quality Assurance/Quality Control protocols.
We Want To Be Your Environmental Testing Laboratory.
We hold North Carolina (NC) Certification #165.
Our departments Bioassay/Toxicity, Metals, Organics and General Chemistry perform analyses on Drinking Water, Wastewater, Sludge, Soils and various other matrices. We can also perform Low Level Mercury testing.
About us

Our laboratory is equipped to perform all types of general chemistry for inorganic chemicals and has the latest equipment for the analysis of organic chemicals by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Meritech, Inc. has facilities for toxicity testing with freshwater daphnids and fish, and we have expanded our facilities to offer bioassays with saltwater organisms as well. The metals section at the lab specializes in ICP and ICP-MS analysis as well as EPA 1631 for low-level mercury, with short turnaround times!
The various analysis included in general chemistry, such as Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Ammonia, Nitrogen, and Fecal Coliform remain as key items in most wastewater discharge permits. Our state certification covers all general chemical analyses normally included in such NPDES permits. We can also provide specialized analytical services for which certification does not exist.
Meritech’s longtime role with the Upper and Middle Cape Fear River Basin Associations affords us the ability to perform river, stream and lake sampling and expands the areas of expertise that we are able to offer our clients.
Our services also include our fleet of vehicles that offer convenient pickup & delivery routes to most locations in North Carolina.
Our excellent team is ready to help. Call us today at 336-342-4748